How to write an Affiliate Marketing Article
A well written affiliate marketing article can bring in sales commissions over and over again. It's the ultimate "only do the work once" technique that keeps on giving. I, however, have written hundreds of article and only a handful of those bring in the majority of traffic. Apparently the old 80/20 rule applies to article marketing as well, in that 80% of my traffic and sales will come from 20% of my articles.
So How do Write a Kick Ass Affiliate Marketing Article?
There are certain rules and tricks to follow to get your articles in front of more readers, and to get them to click that link in your resource box.
- Length: This is a highly debatable topic. Some say long copy sells because there is the perception that what you write is authoritative. Others say short copy is much better. I think somewhere in between – around 400-500 words is ideal. This gives you enough to introduce the topic and hit some major points but . . .
- Leave the Reader Hanging: Make your article informative, but don't spill all the beans. Give them a reason to need to find more information and click your link to find more.
- Get the Facts Right: Believe it or not, most people who come across your article on believe you are an expert publisher. That's why article marketing does an excellent job of developing a reputation, but if you publish inaccurate information it can also hurt you.
- Don't Link Out: Obviously you can't put any affiliate links in your articles, but I don't understand why people put other links in their articles. Sure it might help the reader, but it gives them a way to go somewhere else other than your website. Make the links in your author box the only one for them to click.
I'm sure there are more "must do" tips when writing an affiliate marketing article, but that's all I can come up with for now. What tips do you have?