How Long Before an Affiliate Marketing Article Pays Off?
The other day I mentioned why writing an affiliate marketing article is one of the best internet marketing strategies (see Boost Traffic and Sales with an Affiliate Marketing Article). Not only is it a tried and true method, but it will always be an effective method. The internet will always need fresh new content.
But I also mentioned most people don't embrace article marketing like they should, which is great for me because there's that much less competition. One of those reasons was that there is very little immediate gratification. So, you might be wondering, "how quickly can I expect to make money after I submit an article?" Let me try to answer that . . .
The short answer is that my expectations is that my efforts won't have any payoff for 30 days. However, that said, I always earn money before then. For example, last week I submitted an article to for a completely new niche I am testing. Two days later I already had a sale and was earning a commission off that one article. Note that it generally takes 48 hours for to approve and publish articles publicly, so those were pretty good results.
So it is possible to get some fairly immediate results, but that is not always the case. There are times I will submit 2 articles a day for a week straight and never see a commission. I may decide at that point that the niche is not working out for me, and then 6 months later I get a flood of sales because someone with a large audience picked up my article and published it on their site or newsletter.
Your results will vary depending on a number of things, such as:
- quality of article
- how enticing your bio-box is
- your keyword effectiveness
- the affiliate product's sales page and the product itself
- where your link is taking them and the follow up strategy
- sheer luck