7 Steps to Write an Affiliate Marketing Article Fast
When I first started trying to earn an income online, I was working on a shoestring budget and refused to spend any money. Looking back I realize how much faster I could have gotten things off the ground if I only had some extra change to spare, but I don't regret doing it the hard way one bit. It was an invaluable learning experience that forced me to learn how the affiliate marketing strategies and techniques that actually work.
My most successful technique that helped drive the most traffic that actually converted to paying customers was writing affiliate marketing articles. To this day I still get loads of traffic from these articles I wrote years ago. It took me a while, but I eventually had writing an affiliate marketing article down to a system, and I had to. I was juggling about 10 affiliate products that were all making me money, and even though I wanted to promote more, my plate was full. But with promoting so many products at once, I had to learn how to pump out as many articles as I possibly could in as little time as possible, while still making them well written and valuable.
Here are some tips that help me write affiliate marketing articles fast:
- Before you start writing, do your keyword research. You can write an article that a few people might find on accident and then maybe click your link, or you can do the upfront work and get your article exposed to hundreds of viewers a day just by using the right phrases effectively.
- Know your topic so you can write off the top of your head, but if you don't know anything about the niche you are targeting, do a Google search on your keywords. Copy the main ideas from the top search results until you have three main points to discuss.
- Need more ideas? Go to EzineArticles.com and find the popular articles in your category. Then just copy the entire text from those articles, paste them into a Word document, and then use the AutoSummarize (under tools) feature to highlight the main points.
- Start writing your original content and remember to use your keywords. You only need about 400-500 words, which you should be able to do in about 10 minutes or less if you know how to type. That's nothing. By the time you write an intro and introduce your main points, it's time to wrap it up.
- Check spelling and grammar and your done.
Doing the research and finding your ideas really takes longer than actually writing your affiliate marketing article, which is why you should promote products in a niche you are familiar with. It will cut the work load at least in half. Without the research you could pump out an article every 10 minutes or less.