There's No Niche Affiliate Marketing Area to Avoid
The area you chose to focus your niche affiliate marketing may be the most important thing you do with your internet marketing business. Pick one that is too saturated, and your swimming on page 30 of Google. Pick one that gets you to the top of Google in no time, and there's no customers to visit you. Pick a niche affiliate marketing area that doesn't have any products, and you're making chump change.
However, don't get fooled into thinking that there is no money to be made in some niches. Let's look at what I'm talking about in more detail.
Niche Affiliate Marketing Areas that Are Too Saturated:
I'm calling total bull shit on this one. Take the internet marketing niche for example. I'm not saying it isn't crowded - because it is - and there aren't already a million gurus, but there is still plenty of money to be made in any niche that is crowded because there are plenty of people who are hungry for more information. This is exactly what Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate is all about. Just because you end up on page 25 of Google does not mean you won't get visitors that dig through all the crap on the first 25 pages to find you.
And besides, you don't need Google to be successful in internet marketing. You need connections with JVs, a list, or good article writing skills. Provide value in what you do and you'll get the traffic. Which brings me to another point. Most of the stuff in these crowded niches is garbage, because it's full of newbies trying to make a quick buck and then they leave to work on the next "get rich quick" idea. I'm telling you this because this makes it so it's easy to provide something that is better than 90% of the stuff that makes up these crowded niches.
Niche Affiliate Marketing Areas That Don't Have Customers
A lot of internet marketers suggest that if there is no product or not a lot of websites, that there is no market, but I disagree. There are always customers in any niche. You just need to get creative on how to reach them.
In some cases the reason there are no customers is because the products don't exist or there isn't anything good to promote to them. As you dismiss these niches, be sure to stop and ask yourself if there is an opportunity to fill a void here.
I believe you can take just about any internet marketer that is successful, give them any topic or niche, and in a week they will have made some money. Give them 60-90 days and they can make five figures a month. I have no doubt of that in my mind.