The Affiliate Marketing Guide

The affiliate marketing guide for niche affiliate marketing.
No BS affiliate marketing strategy.

Affiliate Marketing Strategy - Part I  

Right here and right now I'm going to expose my affiliate marketing strategy. By following these steps, I have routinely made six figures just from affiliate products. That does not include additional ad revenue on my sites that also brings in a nice chunk of change, but my affiliate business is the backbone.

First of all, I prefer affiliate marketing over AdSense or any other form of online income because it is reliable. There are too many times Google cracked down on websites and banned AdSense accounts, and you can't rely on advertisers continuing to spend money on your site - especially if one day Google decides to change they way they index sites and everything suddenly goes to shit.

With my affiliate marketing strategy, however, I am in more control of my earnings. If I lose my page ranking or Google bans my AdSense account, I'm safe. Even if all of my affiliate products disappeared, I'm still protected because it is not the products that make me money, it is the system.

Okay, so let's get down to it and take a look at my affiliate marketing strategy:

  1. The first thing I do is find markets or opportunities. While many affiliate marketers recommend staying away from crowded markets, I go where the competition is. I prefer to get my hands in the pot where there are a lot of buyers.
  2. When I think I found something, I test my suspicions by letting the market tell me if I'm right or not. I do this by building min-sites based around keywords and doing some minor traffic building strategies.
  3. If the market bites and I see that this is indeed a market that will buy, I build a brand new site that in my mind will become the dominant site for those keywords.
  4. Once my new website is built, I start my one-way link and traffic strategy to get those keywords ranked. This is the part during my affiliate marketing strategy that I also try to dominate the niche by building Squidoo, Hub Pages and the like.
  5. Now that I have traffic, I make sure I capture those visitors by building a list. This allows me to build a relationship and trust with my visitors, and make more money on the back end. That way if I lose my search engine rankings, I still have my list that I can push affiliate products out to and keep earning money.
That's the bare bone basics of my affiliate marketing strategy. When you break it all down, it is really that simple. I'll get into more detail when I post Part II on a later date.

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